For more information about producing this show yourself at your theatre, call
Kate Finn at (503)313-8578
For licensing information about producing this show at your theater or to obtain a perusal copy of the script, contact
Rick Weiss at 503-348-2507 or contact us at weissfinn (@ gmail.com)
Ice House Theatre, Visalia, CA
I just wanted to say thanks for creating a great musical review, HOT
FLASHES. The Visalia Community Players just finished a three-week run at
the Ice House Theatre in Visalia, California, and it is far and away the
best attended production in our 53-year history. I've directed other small
cast musicals, but none have ever sold out before we even opened. As we
moved on to the second and third week-ends of the show, the reservations
were full, with a waiting list of 20 persons for each night. Our 150-seat
theater was bulging at the seams, and patrons kept telling us that they have
never laughed so much, ever.
Again, thanks so much.
Gary Benjamin, HOT FLASHES Co-Director